First-Aid Experience Hall

First-Aid Experience Hall

Place to learn CPR and First-Aid to save precious lives in emergency situations.


Experience Program

Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR & AED) Course

Number of Participants icon

Number of Participants

20 people

Age icon



Time icon


60 Mins.


1st - 09:30

2nd - 11:00

3nd - 13:30

4nd - 15:00

Wed. · Thur. · Fri.

1st - 09:30

2nd - 11:00

Weekends and Holidays

1st - 10:00

2nd - 11:30

3rd - 14:30

4th - 16:00

Main Experiences icon

Main Experiences

Learn how to perform CPR and use an AED to save precious lives within the 5 minutes of golden time in a cardiac arrest situation

Industrial Safety Training for Employees(Statutory)

Number of Participants icon

Number of Participants

30 people

Age icon


10th grade to adults

(including those legally required to be trained)

Time icon


120 minutes

(Industrial safety experience: 60 min / First-Aid: 60 min)

Wed. · Fri.


Main Experiences icon

Main Experiences

Statutory training for (industrial)employees

Employee Training in accordance with The Child Safety Management Act (Statutory)

Number of Participants icon

Number of Participants

On-line Training: 100

Hands-On Training: 25

Participants icon


Employees legally required to be trained

Time icon


240 minutes

(on-line: 120 minutes / hands-on: 120 minutes)

On-Line training

1st Wednesday of each month

15:30 ~ 17:30

Hands-On training

every Thursday

13:30 ~ 15:30

Main Experiences icon

Main Experiences

Statutory training for (child care facility)employees under the Child Safety Management Act

Korean Association of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR (basic/advanced) Course for the General Public

Number of Participants icon

Number of Participants

Up to 10 people per instructor

Age icon



Time icon


240 Min.

(Basic: 80 min. / Advanced: 240 min. per session)

Main Experiences icon

Main Experiences

How to perform chest compression resuscitation and use AED for cardiac arrest patients

A certificate by the Korean CPR Association will be issued upon completion

CPR for Dogs icon

CPR for Dogs

Experience & learn about dog emergency situations and how to perform CPR for dogs

Reservation is not required for dog CPR training. It’s conducted for 10 to 15 minutes at the end of a regular CPR course, only for those who want to receive CPR training for dogs.

Training Video

1. CPR Experience thumnail

1. CPR Experience

2.  Trauma Treatment Experience thumnail

2. Trauma Treatment Experience

3. Basic First-Aid Experience thumnail

3. Basic First-Aid Experience
